Welcome to the Revised 2024-2025 Student Handbook!
~ Training in Excellence ~
~ Glorifying God ~
~ Student Mentorship ~
*New and returning students, please read carefully for important information regarding the Arise code of conduct, tuition fees, dress code, recital dates, other important dates, dropout policy, office hours, and more!*
This handbook has been designed to answer frequently asked questions and to put into your hands everything you need to know to get the most out of your time here at Arise. If you have any questions about the following information, please don't hesitate to call, email, or stop by the front desk.
Welcome to the family!
Naomi & Jennifer Turco
Office Information
Arise School of Dance
119 Iber Road, Unit 11, Stittsville, ON K2S 1E7
(613) 836 0005 / info@arisedance.com / www.arisedance.com
Current Office Hours - 2024-2025:
Mondays & Tuesdays: 12:00PM - 8:00PM
Thursdays: 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Fridays: 12:00PM - 6:30PM
Saturdays: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Naomi Gilman: Studio Owner/Director, Operations, Pre-Professional Program Director, Youth Ballet Artistic Director
Jennifer Turco: Studio Owner/Director, Financials, Junior and Adult Program Director, Youth Ballet Assistant Director
Merry Macuzzi: Pre-School and Recreational Program Director
Noelle Klassen: Administrator, Children's Ballet Assistant Director
Maggie Shew: Arise Social Media, Children's Ballet Artistic Director
Contacting Teachers
Questions for teachers should be submitted by email to the Arise office and not directed to teachers during or after your allotted class time. This will ensure that the teachers’ time at the studio is dedicated to teaching the students and that students receive the full amount of time allotted to them in class. Arise administration will pass on all communication to the appropriate teacher, who will then contact you by phone or email. If you’d like to set up a meeting in person, this can also be arranged through the Arise office.
Newsletters & Updates
We release a weekly newsletter every Wednesday called the “Wednesday Watchlist”. This newsletter contains important information you need to know to stay up-to-date and informed about your child’s classes. Please always open and carefully read this newsletter. Other notes and updates may be emailed to you through our online system. The emails will be from “Arise School of Dance”. Please do not unsubscribe to our online system or our Mailchimp emails while your student is taking class with us so that you don’t miss out on important information including fees, dates, and event reminders. If your email address changes, please update it in your online account and send us a note to let us know.
Cancellation of Classes Protocol
Arise does not cancel classes due to regular winter weather. In the case of extreme weather conditions or emergencies, Arise will notify you by email of classes cancelled. If we do not send out a notification, it means that classes are running as scheduled and it is up to those driving to exercise caution. In the rare event that a class is cancelled due to extreme weather, we are unable to offer makeup classes or refunds. This decision is made to protect the safety of students and staff.
Code of Conduct
Arise School of Dance is committed to providing a safe and uplifting dance experience for all. To this end, parents and students alike are expected to follow our code of conduct. We endeavour to have clear and reasonable rules that are fairly and consistently implemented. Parents and students who choose not to follow the studio code of conduct will be removed from the studio and will be required to pay their remaining tuition.
The code is as follows:
Dancers must maintain a positive attitude toward their classwork and be respectful in nature, word, and deed to their fellow classmates and the staff of Arise. Foul language within the classes, hallways, or when performing with Arise will not be tolerated.
Parents should encourage their students in a positive manner and trust the professional guidance given to their dancer by the instructors of Arise. Any kind of verbal, physical, or emotional abuse toward students, other parents, or the staff of Arise will not be tolerated, and disciplinary action will be taken. Legitimate concerns can be addressed in the manner described under “Contacting Teachers,” above.
Both dancers and parents must conduct themselves in a manner that promotes respect and encourages others to always be their best. Any actions, whether they be verbal, written, or physical that are perceived as intimidating, threatening, or otherwise hostile are strictly forbidden.
We reserve the right to cancel a student’s registration if their behaviour—or that of the parent, family members, or caregivers—is disruptive or disrespectful.
Studio Protocols
Attendance - Students not in an Arise Ballet company
If your student needs to miss a class for any reason, please submit the absence by logging into the Jackrabbit Parent Portal at least 2 hours before your class starts. Click on the three bars in the top right hand corner and select “Absences and Makeups”. Click on the green “Submit an Absence” button and enter the information requested. Please be sure to submit a reason for your absense. If a student misses too many classes, so that he or she is falling behind the rest of the group, you will be contacted to schedule a private lesson at your own expense. Private lessons range from $30-$65/hour depending on the need and tuition will be paid directly to the teacher.
Attendance - Students in an Arise Ballet Company
If you or your student think they must miss a class for any reason, personally contact the company directors, as far in advance as possible, so that you can work together to determine the best course of action.
If your dancer has a communicable illness please keep them at home and mark them as absent in your Parent Portal with a note as to the reason for their absence.
We will update our illness protocol as needed to ensure the health and safety of our students and teachers.
If your dancer sustains a major injury (rolled ankle, etc) ice will be applied, the parent/guardian will be contacted and further medical action will be at their discretion. In the case of an emergency, Arise will first contact 911 and then promptly contact the parents, who will be responsible for any further medical action.
If your dancer has an injury that prevents them from dancing, they should still come to watch the class, since much can be learned through observation.
Changing Levels
Class level and placement are decided by the Arise directors based on the recommendation of the teachers. If a student is initially placed in a class that is too easy or too challenging, the teacher will consult one of the directors for a second opinion and then inform the parents of any necessary changes. At the end of each dance year, teachers will determine where students should be placed the following year based on their overall performance throughout the dance year.
Payment Information & Other Fees
Junior, Pre-Professional, & Recreational Class Fees
All fees are based on a 1 hour, once-a-week class. Registration for a 1 hour, once-a-week class costs $650 for the year. The tuition fee will be paid off in 10 equal monthly payments of $65 each. Classes that are longer than one-hour are calculated accordingly. HST is included in the price.
A multi-class discount is automatically added to your account when you sign up for more than 2 classes per student. Discount rate: 3rd class = 10% off, 4th class = 15% off, 5th class = 30% off, 6+ class(es) = 40% off.
A one-time $30 registration fee is charged per student, per year. Returning students are charged a $20 registration fee.
Payment will be charged to the primary card on your account (credit or debit) on the first of every month for your full tuition owing for that month
$15 NSF
Pre-School & Adult Class Fees
All fees are for the full Term and will be charged in full on the first day of the month that the Term starts.
Fall Term: mid-September - mid-December (14 weeks)
45-minute class – $200 (charged September 1st)
1-hour class – $266 (charged September 1st)
Winter Term: January - March Break (9 weeks)
45-minute class – $129 (charged January 1st)
1-hour class – $171 (charged January 1st)
Spring Term: March Break - mid-June (13 weeks)
45-minute class – $186 (charged March 1st)
1-hour class – $247 (charged March 1st)
Mini-Sessions for Adults - 6-week sessions
1-hour class - $120
HST is included in all the prices
A one-time $30 registration fee per student. Returning students are charged a $20 registration fee.
If a term student (or adult registered in mini sessions) registers for the next term while still enrolled in the previous term, the registration fee will be waived.
Payment will be charged to the primary card on your account (credit or debit).
$15 NSF
Drop-Out Policy*
In order to drop a class you must notify the office in writing*
Junior, Pre-Professional, & Recreational Classes
Before October 15: Account holder will be charged 20% of the year’s tuition. 80% of the year’s tuition will be waived and will not be charged.
After October 15: Account holder will be charged 50% of the remaining tuition. 50% of the remaining tuition will be waived. Account holder may choose to pay the remaining balance monthly or in one payment.
Pre-School & Adult Classes
Before the end of the first two weeks of the Term: Tuition reimbursed minus the cost of the first two weeks and the registration fee.
After the first two weeks of the Term: No refund will be issued.
Other Fees & Costs
Dress Code: Students must adhere to the Arise dress code in order to participate in classes. Please reference our dress code section for details on what they need and where these items can be purchased. Note that Arise carries some gently used items, so you can check at the front desk to see what’s available. Please note that Arise is not responsible for providing dress code items.
Costume Fees: All year-long classes eligible to participate in the recital will be charged a costume deposit of $20/class on January 1st with their January Tuition. Eligible spring term classes will be charged at the start of the term. The remaining balance for the costumes will be due in the Spring. Depending on the class age/level costumes may range in cost from $40-$100, before the deposit.
Photos: Arise holds an annual Recital Photo Day in May or June each year. Students are expected to participate so that we can get class photos with the entire class. Students wishing to purchase photos will receive solo shots along with class photos. Purchasing photos is optional.
Snacks & Drinks for Sale: Water bottles, coffee, tea, and pre-packaged snacks are for sale in the waiting room for $2 each. We recommend storing some extra change in your dancer’s bag for emergencies.
Recital Tickets: Recital tickets will go on sale in the Spring. Everyone who wants to watch the show will need to purchase a ticket. Children 2 years old and under are free if they sit on a lap.
Volunteer Opt-Out Fee: Every studio family is responsible to sign up for one volunteer shift during the recital. For those who do not wish to volunteer, they may choose to pay a $50 opt-out fee instead. This will allow Arise to pay someone else to take your place.
Logo-ed Clothing: Arise organizes a logo-ed clothing order before Christmas each year. This is a great Christmas present for the dancer in your family. Buying logo-ed clothing is not required, but it is a fun service that we provide you.
*All fees will appear in your Parent Portal. You will have received a prompt to log in to the Parent Portal upon registration, and you can access your Parent Portal from our home page.
Community Building/Fundraisers
We strive to establish a strong community focus at Arise School of Dance, so here are few ways you can get involved.
Participate in fundraising events
Chat with other parents in the Arise parking lot or waiting room
Carpool to the studio with friends!
Pray for your fellow dance parents and the other Arise students
Arise Fundraisers:
1. Father/Daughter Ball
This is a chance for fathers/father figures to take their daughters on a date she'll always remember! The ball includes professional dance instruction in a series of ballroom steps that father and daughters can learn and dance together. Treats and beverages are provided.
When: Friday, October 4th AND Saturday, October 5th
Where: Arise School of Dance - 119 Iber Rd, Stittsville, ON K2S 1E7
2. Valentine’s Day Ball
This event is an opportunity for couples to have fun and spend time together for Valentine's Day! The Valentine’s Ball includes a sit-down dinner and ballroom dancing lessons. Additionally, on-site childcare will be provided. Arise does not ask our students to sell chocolates, cookies, or raffle tickets, so this is our one studio-wide fundraiser of the year. Come and help out your community!
When: TBD
Where: TBD
How to get involved:
Buy a ticket to the ball and attend with the special person in your life. Tickets available in the new year.
Sign up to donate food or money for the event. Sign-up link available at a later date.
Help advertise for the Ball by sharing the event with your friends, family, church, etc. Graphic will be available at a later date.
All year-long students in our Junior, Recreational, and Pre-Professional Programs participate in the year-end recital and will be required to have one family member volunteer during the recital weekend. Pre-Dance and Junior Hip Hop dancers from our Preschool Programs who are registered for the spring term participate in the year-end recital. If you cannot participate, year-long students need to inform the office by December 15th, and term students by the first class of the spring term.
Recital Tickets: Our year-end show takes place at an Ottawa theater, and tickets go on sale approximately one month before the show. Everyone wishing to attend a show must purchase a ticket.
Volunteering: Each family must provide one family member to volunteer for the recital. You can either volunteer before the recital to help sew costumes or sell ads for our program, or you can volunteer once at a single show. You may choose to pay a $50 opt-out fee instead of volunteering.
Dates: TBD
Stay Connected
Follow and Like us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to keep updated and help spread the word about who we are and what we do. To go the extra mile, rate us on Facebook and Google and leave a review!
NEW Dress Code 2024
To create a more unified look among the dancers (and to assist parents with finding the correct items for the dress code), we have improved and streamlined our dress code! Please read carefully below.
We created a partnership with the dancewear company “SoDanca” to set up an online store with their company for you to access. Many of the pieces your dancers will need will be on this site and they have a specific code to help you find them (e.g. “SoDanca TRISSIE SL13).
If the item on your dress code has a SoDanca code, you must purchase that exact item through SoDanca, or from another store that has that specific SoDanca item. If you use the discount code on the online store’s main page, you will get a 15% discount from the SoDanca store all year!
How To:
Create an account by following the link here.
Once your account is approved, shop for items through SoDanca
Be sure to use the discount code and get 15% off your purchases!
Let us know if you have any difficulties or questions.
Students moving to a new level who need a new leotard style this year must buy the correct leotard from SoDanca before their first class.
Students who will wear the same leotard style as last year may use what they currently have until they grow out of it, or until March Break 2025, whichever comes first.
All students must have the correct colour, style, and brand of leotards, tights, shorts, shoes, etc. by March Break 2025.
In future years, the correct style, colour, and brand will be required by the first class in September.
Baby Beats
Clothing you can exercise in while not getting overheated with your baby in the carrier. Example: leggings, sports shorts, joggers, tee or tank, etc.)
Baby wrap/carrier of choice
Comfortable clothing that is not too warm i.e. short-sleeve onesie)
Mommy & Me
Any style/colour leotard
Children may wear a short ballet skirt or tutu if desired
Bare feet and legs
Short-sleeve Tee-shirt
Black Shorts
Bare feet and legs
Accompanying parent:
Any comfortable clothing you can move in, i.e. leggings or joggers, tee or tank, bare feet or socks, etc.
Ballet Girl:
Short-Sleeve Light Pink Leotard: SoDanca TRISSIE SL13
Light Pink Pull on Skirt: SoDanca BELLUNO SKIRT - SL63
Any white ankle socks: no specific brand
Any light pink leather or canvas ballet shoe
Hair in a high-slicked-back ballet bun
Ballet Boy:
Plain White Tee
Black shorts with stretch in them
Any black leather or canvas ballet shoe
Pre-Primary and Pre-Primary Jazz
Ballet Girl:
Short-Sleeve Light Pink Leotard: SoDanca TRISSIE SL13
Light Pink Pull on Skirt: SoDanca BELLUNO SKIRT - SL63
White ankle socks: no specific brand
Light Pink Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Hair in a high-slicked-back ballet bun
Ballet Boy:
Plain White Tee
Black shorts with stretch in them
Black Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Jazz (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83
Stretch Canvas Jazz Shoe in the colour that most closely matches the dancer’s skin tone: SoDanca: JILL - JZ75s or JADA - JZ75L
Purchase items by clicking the link here!
Primary Ballet, Grade 1 Ballet, Junior Jazz
Ballet Girl:
Lilac Tank Leotard: SoDanca LIVY - SL09
Euro Pink Convertible Tights: SoDanca - TS81
Light Pink Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Hair in a high-slicked-back ballet bun
Ballet Boy:
Plain White Tee
Black shorts with stretch in them
Black socks
Black Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Jazz (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83
Stretch Canvas Jazz Shoe in colour that most closely matches dancer’s skin tone: SoDanca: JILL - JZ75s or JADA - JZ75L
Contemporary (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83
Plain black short-sleeve tee
Bare feet & hair pulled neatly off of face
Purchase items by clicking the link here!
Grade 2 Ballet, Grade 3 Ballet, Grade 2 Jazz, Grade 3 Jazz, and Elementary Contemporary
Ballet Girl:
Celestine Blue Pinch Front Tank Leotard: SoDanca JENNY- SL07 (or equivalent adult size)
Euro Pink Convertible Tights: SoDanca - TS81 (or equivalent adult size)
Light Pink Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Hair in a high-slicked-back ballet bun
Ballet Boy:
Plain White Tee
Black shorts with stretch in them
Black socks
Black Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Jazz (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83 (or equivalent adult size)
Stretch Canvas Jazz Shoe in the colour that most closely matches the dancer’s skin tone: SoDanca: JILL - JZ75s or JADA - JZ75L
Contemporary (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83 (or equivalent adult size)
Plain black short-sleeve tee
Bare feet & hair pulled neatly off of face
Purchase items by clicking the link here!
Grade 4 Ballet, Grade 5 Ballet, Pre-Intermediate Jazz, Pre-Intermediate Contemporary
Ballet Girl:
Syllabus Classes Navy Camisole Leotard: SoDanca LORNA - SL106
(or equivalent adult size)
Open Ballet: any style/colour leotard. Cut-outs and sheer pieces are only allowed in the back or on the sleeves unless a tights top is worn underneath.
Euro Pink Convertible Tights: SoDanca - TS81 (or equivalent adult size)
Light Pink Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Hair in a high-slicked-back ballet bun
Ballet Boy:
Plain White Tee
Black shorts with stretch in them
Black socks
Black Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Jazz (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83 (or equivalent adult size)
Stretch Canvas Jazz Shoe in the colour that most closely matches the dancer’s skin tone: SoDanca: JILL - JZ75s or JADA - JZ75L
Contemporary (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83 (or equivalent adult size)
Plain black short-sleeve tee
Bare feet & hair pulled neatly off of face
Purchase items by clicking the link here!
Pre-Professional Program (Ballet, Open, Jazz, Contemporary, Conditioning)
Ballet, Open, & Pointe Girls:
Any solid black leotard for syllabus classes & any style/colour leotard for Open Class. Cut-outs and sheer pieces are only allowed in the back or on the sleeves unless a tights top is worn underneath. Tights tops or dance-specific nude bras should be worn if needed. No regular bras or straps should show. Preferred styles of leotards
SoDanca Flamma SL113 (or the equivalent child’s size)
SoDanca Lorena SL105 (or the equivalent child’s size)
SoDanca Patricia SL02 (or the equivalent child’s size)
SoDanca Edda SL115 (or the equivalent child’s size)
Euro Pink Convertible Tights: SoDanca - TS82 (or equivalent child’s size)
Light Pink Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Teacher approved pointe shoes for pointe class
Hair in a high-slicked-back ballet bun
For Jazz add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLISON - SL82
(or equivalent child’s size)Stretch Canvas Jazz Shoe in the colour that most closely matches the dancer’s skin tone: SoDanca: JILL - JZ75s or JADA - JZ75L
Contemporary (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Joggers or similar slim-fitting BLACK stretchy pants
(no leggings nor baggy)Fitted long-sleeve plain black tee
High percentage cotton socks (80% or higher) in the shade to match dancer’s skin tone
Hair pulled neatly back off the face
Same as jazz or contemporary
Purchase items by clicking the link here!
Fundamental Ballet, Fundamental Jazz, & Fundamental Contemporary
Ballet Girl:
Black Tank Leotard: SoDanca LIVY - SL09 (or equivalent adult size)
Euro Pink Convertible Tights: SoDanca - TS81 (or equivalent adult size)
Light Pink Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Hair in high slicked-back ballet bun
Ballet Boy:
Plain White Tee
Black shorts with stretch in them
Black socks
Black Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Jazz (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83 (or equivalent adult size)
Stretch Canvas Jazz Shoe in colour that most closely matches dancer’s skin tone: SoDanca: JILL - JZ75s or JADA - JZ75L
Contemporary (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83 (or equivalent adult size)
Plain black short-sleeve tee
Bare feet & hair pulled neatly off of face
Purchase items by clicking the link here!
Teen Ballet, Teen Jazz, and Teen Contemporary
Ballet Girl:
Black Tank Leotard: SoDanca OLIVIA - SL08 (or equivalent child’s size)
Euro Pink Convertible Tights: SoDanca - TS82 (or equivalent child’s size)
Light Pink Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Hair in high slicked-back ballet bun
Ballet Boy:
Plain White Tee
Black shorts with stretch in them
Black socks
Black Canvas Ballet Shoe: SoDanca BLISS - SD16
Jazz (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLISON - SL82 (or equivalent child’s size)
Stretch Canvas Jazz Shoe in colour that most closely matches dancer’s skin tone: SoDanca: JILL - JZ75s or JADA - JZ75L
Hair pulled back neatly off face
Contemporary (same leotard & tights as ballet) add:
Black Bike Short: SoDanca ALLI - SL83 (or equivalent adult size)
Plain black short-sleeve tee
Bare feet & hair pulled neatly off of face
Purchase items by clicking the link here!
Boys Only Dance
Black shorts with stretch in them (i.e. Basketball shorts, sports shorts, etc.)
Plain White Tee
Black Socks
All Hip Hop Levels
Boys & Girls:
Black or Navy Stretchy Joggers or Sweatpants
Plain tee in black, navy or grey
Plain black socks
Black non-marking soled shoes
Hair that’s long enough should be tied back neatly off the face (ponytail, braids, etc.)
All girls need a plain leotard any colour, any style underneath their top
Homeschool Fitness
Boys & Girls:
Stretchy shorts: basketball shots, cheer shorts, bike shorts, etc.
Tee or tank (must belong enough to overlap with shorts)
Bare feet
Hair pulled back off the face
Adult Dance & Adult Mini Sessions
Supportive sports bra or leotard
Tee or tank with a good amount of stretch
Bottoms with stretch: i.e. leggings, tights, etc.)
Optional ballet wrap skirt or stretchy shorts
Hair tied neatly back off the face
Ballet Shoes for Adult Dance - Check in with the studio for footwear per Adult Mini Session dance style
Bottoms with stretch in them: sweatpants, joggers, basketball shorts, etc.
Tee or tank
Check-in with the studio for footwear per Adult Mini Session dance style
Check out our hair tutorials to learn how to make a bun for class!
Thick Hair Tutorial
Curly Hair Tutorial
Thin Hair Tutorial
Win $50 off your next tuition payment!
Now that you’ve read through our Student Handbook, take the quiz before September 20th.
All 100% correct answers will be entered into a draw for $50 off your next tuition payment.
Take the quiz! Scan the QR code or click below!